iOS 14.5 Update Launches & More Digital Marketing News


iOS 14.5 Update Launches & More Digital Marketing News

The team covers Apple's controversial iOS 14.5 update, Spotify's podcast subscription service, and why SEO pros think Google might launch a local car inventory search.

How iOS 14.5+ impacted Paid Ads Revenues

Jakub Chour of HER is here to talk about HER’s experience with the Apple Tracking Transparency framework and how HER adapted their digital marketing strategy for the post-iOS 14.5 world.

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The Impact of Apple iOS 14: What Does It Mean for Digital Marketers?

The time is finally coming for Apple to rollout its new privacy settings with the latest #iOS14 update. Originally announced in June 2020, the new privacy settings that have many app developers and advertisers up in arms is set to release in early spring of 2021.

So, what is the impact of #Apple iOS 14 on #marketers?

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WORRYING iOS 14 Update – Impact on Facebook Ads and Google Ads

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You’ve probably read that iOS 14 is rolling out and it’s a significant update for advertisers using digital platforms

With the rollout, they are expanding on ATT – short for app tracking transparency.

Previously iPhone users could go into their privacy settings in order to stop apps from tracking their behaviour

But now, users will be implicitly asked whether or not to share their data with apps

It’s expected a majority of users would prefer not to share data with a given app when prompted, so this raises concerns for some aspects of digital marketing

In this video we are going to take a look at the impact of this on the 2 biggest ad platforms. Google Ads and Facebook ads

I reply to ALL comments so hit me up and I’ll be happy to have a chat 🙂

And as always, if you have a question, or want me to cover a particular subject or marketing challenge you’re facing, head over to my website and get in touch. I would love to hear from you!

Impacts of iOS 14.5 Update on Online Marketing

Apple released the highly anticipated iOS 14.5 update earlier this year in April 2021. Now that we’ve had some time to get used to it, let’s unpack the impacts iOS 14.5 has had on online marketing.

In this video, John Lincoln discusses a new feature in which users must manually allow each app to track them.

Next, you’ll dive into the differences between the US and other countries’ daily opt-in rates after the iOS 14.5 launch.

Finally, learn about the impacts this software update has on social media companies such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter!

How is the new iOS 14.5 update impacting you? Leave a comment below and share your experience!

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Ignite Visibility is a premier Internet marketing company based in San Diego, CA.

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